Sacred numbers arose from ancient man’s observation of the heavens, and represent the secrets of cosmic proportion and alignment. The ancients understood that the ripeness of the natural world is the perfection of ratio and that the planetary system–and time itself–is a creation of number. We have forgotten what our ancestors once knew: that numbers and their properties create the forms of the world.
“An astonishing and important book.”
John Anthony West, author of Serpent in the Sky
“Marks a turning point in the recovery of a whole way of thinking stretching back perhaps tens of thousands of years.”
Anthony Blake, author of The Intelligent Enneagram
“. . . a bold and very important contribution to our understanding of our ancestors’ genius.”
William Sullivan, author of The Secret of the Incas
“Heath brings the Cosmos back to Earth, demonstrating that the sacred ratios were incorporated into ancient architecture such as Stonehenge and reflected in the musical tones that the ancients sounded to plug into the Divine.”
Nexus, Jan-Feb, 2005
“. . . a concise exploration of the cosmos that will appeal to mathematically oriented students of metaphysics.”
David Paulsen, New Age Retailer, Trends 2005, Vol 19. No. 3
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