Eleven Questions on Sacred Numbers

In 2011, Sacred Number and the Origins of the Universe was nicely re-published in Portuguese by Publisher Pensamento in Brazil. Their press agent contacted my publisher for an email interview from a journalist who posed eleven questions about sacred number.


1) Is the universe a mathematical equation? 

If the universe is a creation then it needs to have organizing principles governing its structure. I believe that this structure is governed by what we call sacred numbers. Numbers relative to each other form proportions that in sound are perceived as musical intervals. The universe is more like a set of musical possibilities, making it more dramatic and open-ended than an equation.

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Interview with Jim Harold

This is one hour interview around my new book on Ancient Goddess Cultures use of sacred geometry and other skills the ancients had, which our present culture dutifully ignore. below: Interviewer Jim Harold at Stonehenge vis Facebook.

Please click on this link to listen to our interview: https://content.blubrry.com/paranormalplus/Sacred_Geometry_in_Ancient_Goddess_Cultures-Ancient_Mysteries_On_The_Air_109.mp3