Modularity of Seven

Sacred Geometry is metrical, it is based upon the interactive properties of “natural” (that is, whole) numbers and cosmic constants.

We live in a civilization where everything is thought to be functionally due to forces and laws, these all calculated using numbers and algebra. For this reason, it is hard to see the influence of numbers acting directly in situations to reveal that, geometrical forms are only possible due to numbers. One such form is the equal perimeter circle and square: this figuring heavily in my later books, as an ancient model, and in postings on this website (opens in new tab).

The equal perimeter geometry results from the approximation of pi as being 22/7, a pi that gives an unusually simple form that, when compared with the actual sizes of the Earth and Moon, allows their ratio in size (11 to 3) to be reproduced by this geometry.

The significance of this geometry was pioneered in the late 20th Century by the English geometer John Michell, but its logic runs deeper than merely accepting that it works. The diagram below (fig. 1) lays out the early numbers up to 14, in two columns, enabling a two dimensional view view of the numbers conspiring to form the equal perimeter square and circle of diameter 14, circle of 11 (the Earth) within that and the differential circle of 3 (the Moon).

Figure 1 The earliest numbers in two columns of seven, showing their contribution to the equal perimeter geometry

While there are bound to be whole number approximations to pi, 22/7 occurs very early on in the number field to high accuracy. And it is very unlikely that the Moon should be 3/11 of the Earth in size. One explanation is that a form of synchronicity can exist between the number field and celestial bodies. Another view is that the cosmos has the property of being intelligible through what is called sacred geometry and numbers, in a similar way to our own works.

Ancient monuments have been found to conform to this pattern in various ways since John Michell first brought it to our attention. This implies sacred geometry and the metrology of number found in sacred buildings are a missing part of religion, that was removed due to the dogmatism that only scripture can express the creator. This aspect will need to be restored in order for our present reductionist science to embrace a non-accidental model of the universe.