Harmonic Earth Measures

The Size of the Earth’s Meridian

It appears the ancient world had unreasonably accurate knowledge of the size of the earth and its shape: Analysis of ancient monuments reveals an exact estimate for the circumference of the mean Earth, a spherical version of the Earth, un-deformed by it spinning once a day. Half of this circumference, the north-south meridian, was known to be about 12960 miles (5000 geographical Greek feet of 1.01376 ft), a number which (in those Greek units) is then 60^5 = 777,600,000 geographical Greek inches. One has to ask, how such numbers are to be found very accurately within a planet formed accidentally during the early solar system?

Figure 1 The Earth as a circular Equator and a spherical Mean Earth, whose half circumference approximates the non-circular distance between north and south poles

John Michell’s booklet on Jerusalem found (in its Addendum) that the walls of the Temple Mount, extended for the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon, was a scaled down model of the mean-earth Meridian in its length. These walls are still 5068.8 feet long, which is the length of a Greek geographical mile. This unit of measure divides the meridian into 12960 parts, each a geographical Greek mile.

12960 – the Greek miles between poles.
This is a harmonic number made up only of harmonic prime number factors; 2, 3 and 5. The mean-earth circumference is therefore twice this, or 25920 Greek miles and therefore equal in year-miles to the ancient duration of the ancient estimate of 25920 years for the Precession of the Equinoxes.

777,600,000 – the geographical inches between the poles.
This is Ernest McClain’s valuation of biblical god YHWH  using the Hebrew letter-number values of interpreted as 6^5 x 10^5, that is, as the fifth powers of 6 and 10, a head number (7776) thought to have also applied in the pre-Classical Greek world, to Apollo [Ion, John Bremer, 2000]. Head numbers such as 7,776 could be used for their harmonic content by losing the zeros of decimal notation and the power of 7,776 can be witnessed if the Lambda diagram of Plato, whose two powers of 2 and 3 are combined in 6, the “perfect number”, in figure 2.

Apollo was expressed in Plato’s Ion as its length (or limit) of 7,776

Both these harmonic numbers apply to the meridian when seen through the Greek geographical foot, whose root value was the English foot we use today. (This fact, that the whole metrological system had the English foot as its root unit value, was discovered and documented by John Neal in 2000.)  

4,320,000 solar years in day-inches around Equator
A similar geodetic fact was noted Joseph Needham (volume 3 of Science and Civilisation in China, volume 3, CUP, 1959) then by John Michell in Ancient Metrology, 1982), that the Equator of the Earth in English feet equals the number of days in the solar year (365.2422) times 360,000 English feet. I re-arranged this in Sacred Number and the Lords of Time, page 10 as :

“If the equator were divided into 4,320,000 parts then each would be 365.2422 inches long, the length of a solar year in day-inch counting. This would make the the equator 4,320,000 solar years long, the number of “years” in the Huindu cosmology of Yugas (‘ages of the world’) and the duration of one day of Brahma.” 

This poses the unlikely scenario that harmonic numbers found in ancient texts by number and in buildings as their dimensions measured in ancient units, were referring to the dimensions of the earth (i.e. space) as well as to astronomical time: (a) the post-Vedic yugas referencing the length of the Equator and (b) the duration of the Precession of the Equinoxes in the Temple Mount referencing the (mean earth) Meridian.

For this to be the case, there has to have been an accurate model of the Earth’s key dimensions, and of the Great Year of precession whilst also; the units of measure, known as ancient metrology, had to have been already founded upon Earth’s dimensions. To evaluate this requires the ancient metrology of Neal and Michell (see 1982, 2000, and recent volumes on Ancient Metrology) and familiarity with ancient textual references and associated musical tuning theory (The Myth of Invariance, McClain, 1978).

An overview of Michell’s model of the Earth’s key radii relative to the circumference of the Earth implicit within Ancient Metrology, and amazingly based upon three approximations to PI.
[ from Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization, 2007]

I have summarised the ancient model of the size of the Earth (Michell 1982 and Neal 2000) with the above diagram. The model hinges on the Mean Earth and the English foot: I noticed its radius as being 7 times 12^6 feet so that its circumference using pi=22/7 is (2.pi.r) 44 x 12^6 feet. The composition of the geographical Greek foot (1.01376 ft) is 3168 / 3125 which is (288 x 11) / 5^5 so that it divides the mean circumference to give 129600000 Greek feet which divided by 5000 (a Greek mile) give 25920 miles as its circumference.

Three values of pi are employed in this model to characterize the shape and key dimensions of the Earth: 22/7 (best) 25/8 (good) 63/20 (not so good). These were used in combination both in the model of the earth and in the microvariations of ancient metrology (176/175 & 441/440) so that the metrology is tied to the size and shape of the Earth, as per Sacred Number‘s Chapter 3: The Model of the Earth.

Whilst there must be a unit of length that will divide up any given planetary length harmonically, that unit of length is very unlikely to be a known unit of length unless someone has defined it as a whole unit of length in the past, based upon measuring the size of the Earth. Indeed, the surviving English foot measure stood at the root of ancient metrology as the number ONE so that other feet, by being rational fractions of it, enabled geometric calculations to be performed in lieu of arithmetic and number notation.

Further to this, for a number of key dimensions to be coherently related to key measures within ancient metrology suggests that the above model of the Earth was built into the metrological system so that the ancient planetary model and ancient metrological toolkit were two facets of a single enterprise.

The simplicity of the model of the Earth is an achievement not paralleled until the last few centuries. In effect is was a geoid (meaning, the shape of the earth’s meridian) understandable in a far better way than the modern system which uses arbitrary units of measure and hence cannot see the three types of Pi implicit in the Earth’s geoid. The model of the Earth was an ideal construct belonging to the organising intelligence which formed it, alongside the Moon and Life.

Dividing up the Whole

Another approach to signifying the mean Earth was to work with the whole size of the mean Earth scaled down to a landform or a building like Stonehenge or Great Pyramid.

John Michell’s quarter degree between Stonehenge and Avebury forming a Model of the Earth

Returning to the north-south, mean-earth Meridian, John Michell discovered a landform 1/4 degree of latitude long between Stonehenge and Avebury. These monuments are both located in the 52nd parallel whose N-S length equals the length of every degree of the mean Earth. Cultures having the size-of-the-earth metrology could take the mean earth circumference as the prototypical boundary for temples and other sacred constructions, up to a level of scale where degrees of latitude could delineate distances between monuments, as that between Stonehenge and Avebury, to divide the whole meridian by that distance in degrees of latitude. A single degree of the mean earth divides the mean earth into 360 parts, making 51-52 degrees North is 1/360th of the mean earth. Quarter of a degree, at that latitude, divided the mean earth into 1440 parts.

John Michell interpreted Stonehenge, Avebury and Silbury as being an exact scale model of the three key earth radii, of the Equator, the mean Earth and the Equator [The Measure of Albion, p 103-115]. The metrological system measures latitude in the familiar 360 degrees in the ancient model of latitude, and so the distance between Stonehenge and Avebury additionally generates the harmonic number 1440 as a division of the mean earth. This number is found at the Parthenon (Harmonic Origins of the World, pages 72-78) and at Teotihuacan (ibid, pages 179-184), whilst being interpreted within the Bible, by Ernest McClain [ibid], as the number of Adam, again by letters equaling 1+4+40 = 45 but also, in position notation as 1440 – which is then Adam’s upper harmonic range within the Bible’s harmonic code: The number 1440 generates a fully chromatic tuning system in Just intonation, a tuning system where perfect fifths (interval ratio 3/2) are naturally tempered by perfect thirds (5/4). This number is naturally also found in the astronomical matrix, when the lunar month is divided by 80 so as to locate the outer planets Jupiter and Saturn to the lunar year (12 x 80 = 960, Jupiter synod is 13.5 x 80 = 1080 and Saturn synod is 12.8 x 80 = 1024). Adam is  then 18 lunar months, the Maya astronomical period sometimes appended, as Supplemental Glyphs, to their Long Count dates.

The mean Meridian can therefore be seen in two ways, 777,600,000 geographical inches of YHWH or as Adam’s 1440 quarter degrees. 777,600,000 / 960 (YHWH / lunar year) equals 810,000 lunar years. The 81 = 3^4 is the number of powers of three between the lunar year and YHWH, and in powers of 6 this is 81 x 16 = 1296 (the number in the Meridian above) leaving four powers of five = 625 – the difference between the lunar year and YHWH in the vertical powers of 5. This vector of primes is then 6^4 x 5^4 or 60^4 = 12,960,000, which is the location on the astro harmonic matrix [or “holy mountain”] (rather than vector between locations) of the Venus synod, also Quetzalcoatl. 12,960,000 is Plato’s Nuptial number (see The Nuptial Number of Plato by James Adam, Thorsons 1985), and Plato’s dialogues a late text applying the same astro-harmonic numbers.

One comes to question how space and time are related and how the late stone age came to know the correct metrology, the accurate size and geoid of the earth and the consequent harmonic numbers that co-relate the space of the Earth and the synodic world of time, of its surrounding planetary system. The triad SPACE-TIME-HARMONIC resembles J.G. Bennett’s domains of Fact, Value and Harmony.  He said in Dramatic Universe volume 3:

“It is no accident that recognition of the importance of structure has come, not by way of speculative philosophy or logical reasoning, but by the pressure of practical needs. We apprehend structures far more by the power of understanding than by knowledge. Knowledge is confined to Fact.

“The Domain of Fact does not include transformation, which belongs to the Domain of Harmony. In this sense, knowing and understanding are powers that belong to quite different regions of experience and this suggests the surprising, but correct, conclusion that structures are not objects of knowledge, and that their true place is in the Domain of Harmony. We do not know structures, but we know because of structures.

“Facts, that are no more than facts, are atomic and unrelated except by general laws. That is how the world was studied until the middle of the present century. Darwin’s Origin of Species (1859) and Clark Maxwell’s Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (1873) were magnificent swan-songs of a dying age of science when it had seemed possible to explain the whole by the part and to account for the facts, without regard to the purposive action that makes them possible.

“We are now in the midst of a mental revolution, and as with all revolutions, its true significance escapes those most deeply involved. We are being forced to look at every kind of problem in a new way; that is, in terms of structures rather than of general laws. Scientists and philosophers are not alone in fighting a rearguard action against the revolution. In every department of human life, the ancient strongholds are being surrendered reluctantly and usually after they have ceased to matter. Men pay lip service to doctrines of ‘integration’, ‘unification’, ‘ecumenism’, and to the proposition that excessive specialization has become a menace to society; but, in practice, the changes come before the people concerned consent and usually before they realize what is happening.” systematics.org

In Conclusion

It would appear that the stone age arrived through a form of understanding, of the most significant structures surrounding them: the sky, its time periods and the earth,  its size and measures. We are now challenged in reading stone age forms of understanding, due to the popularity of the domain of Fact, and need to re-learn these forms “on the job”, to understand the earth and sky as the stone age evidently did. The cosmos appears to be no accident, yet technological science thinks all past religious cults and their divinely creative beings (in our oldest books,) were merely superstitious precursors to the prominent world view that mechanical laws alone led to the existing order.