Further Ratios of the Outer Planets to the Lunar Year

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The traditional way to express the Harmony of the Spheres is geometrically, despite the fact that geometrical knowledge of the heliocentric planetary system was not available to Pythagoras who, for the West, first established this whole idea – that the planets were part of a system expressing harmony.

The opening picture is from Kepler’s Harmonices Mundi :
from a scan made of the Smithsonian’s copy,
made available on Wikipedia as in the public domain.

In my own work, on the type of ancient astronomy based upon time and not space, I find it to be the outer planets in particular which express harmony in their geocentric synods relative to the lunar year. This applies to Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus but Neptune expresses a rational fraction of 28/27 involving prime numbers {2 3 7} whilst the other three planets only involve ratios involving primes {2 3 5}. The harmony of the outer planets has been a strong source for the sacred numbers found in ancient texts, as with Jupiter 1080 – considered a lunar number perhaps because the Moon is resonant to Jupiter – who is shown by figure 1 to be geocentrically resonant to the other planets and the Moon.

Figure 1 Diagram of the Harmonic Matrix for outer planets and the Moon

In figure 1, the regular matrix unit of 1/80th of a lunar month will not divide into the synods of all the outer planets whilst the outer planets are all “rational” to each other so that they must have a unit which can divide into them all. This unit is soon found to be 1/1080th of the synod of Jupiter as shown and this means that Jupiter is their common denominator! This also means the new unit must be 8/9 of the unit which can rationalize the geocentric solar system relative to the lunar year and month.

This matrix diagram is the fulfillment of a theme present in my books since Matrix of Creation (2002-4), especially in chapter 9 where the matrix diagrams naturally evolved to discover the 9/8 ratio of Jupiter’s synod and the 16/15 ratio of Saturn’s synod, relative to the lunar year (figure 2).

Figure 2 Matrices of Jupiter (left, in Matrix of Creation) and Saturn (right, redrawn)

I have often mentioned traditional correlations such as Hesiod’s tale in Theogony of Jupiter wresting power from Saturn and the Churning of the Ocean by the gods of the Indian tradition in which the outer planets appear in a tug-of-war with the demons who, in their contest, turn the world pole hither and thither whilst generating the Soma that makes the gods immortal.

Figure 3 The Churning of the Ocean by the gods (left) and demons (right), where the Earth mountain is held by the Great Snake and twirled, releasing “things of value” from the cosmic ocean.

The gods on the left appear to be the outer planets: Jupiter (Brahma), Saturn (?) and Uranus, possibly Neptune (Shiva with a trident). The demons may then be the inner planets of Venus, Mercury and the Sun. In the fuller harmonic model, found in The Harmonic Origins of the World, the inner planets are the Feathered Serpent – treated in detail through the cosmology of the Olmec and Maya when seen through harmonic tuning theory. The inner planets are harmonically raised above the outer planets by three major third intervals (not quite an octave) and so appear disharmonious relative to normal human experience. This is interesting with respect to astrology which sees the inner planets as personal planets and the outer planets as trans-personal, that is responsible for the shared outer life of humanity. This leads to the possibilities that Arks and similar vehicle of salvation were to represent a movement to a place in which both inner and outer planets are harmonious. These are just some preliminary thoughts and the meaning of these facts is far from explained by them and hence remains to be developed.

Synodic Periods

  • Lunar year – 354.367 days or 12 lunar months
  • Jupiter synod – 398.88 days or 13.5 lunar months
  • Saturn synod – 378.09 days or 12.8 lunar months
  • Uranus synod – 369.66 days or 12.5 lunar months
  • Neptune synod – 367. 49 days or 12.44438 lunar months