The Planetary Environment

In our planetary system, simple small-number ratios appear to have been required to create a special type of planet able to host Life. At some stage this would have required an adjustment of outer planetary orbits to suit the future lunar resonator, implying non-human intelligence influenced the orbits, to be numerically related from the earth, rather than relative to the sun.

The only available means for the megalithic astronomers to have discovered this, and understand it as an act of Will rather than as an accident, was through counting days or months, so to capture the synodic time periods numerically as lengths as a number of units of length and compare them as to their difference. Such numbers, differences and ratios, are more than convenient for counting such phenomena: numbers also have a formal nature, since the properties of different whole numbers, with each other, proceeds from whether a given number shares common numerical factors with other numbers.[1] These relations of common factors between numbers gives the number field its inner structure and this must be part of its defining of the framework conditions of Time and Space: the role and interrelatedness of numbers in time and space being a universe-wide invariant.

I believe this led to the sort of cosmology presented by Gurdjieff in the 20th Century, a cosmology of Will rather than of Being. An Absolute Will, originating from outside the existing world, must have initiated a cosmos where numbers provided a relatedness between specific vector intervals, to create significant patterns in which numbers are a formal cause for the design of planetary systems around different stars, this making number a unique defining feature within star systems[2] which are structured by the interactive gravitational fields of planetary bodies orbiting a sun and of planetary moons.

Our star system, through its own intelligence, has achieved a specific type of relatedness for the Earth’s time world, this providing a necessary basis for the creation of Life. For example, Fibonacci numbers were established between the Venus synod and its orbital period relative to the Earth’s yearly orbit. Adjacent Fibonacci numbers have special properties through their approximation to the golden mean[3], a ratio unique within the number field allowing the golden mean’s square and reciprocal to be abnormally achieved through adding or subtracting 1, a feature suited to the reentrant nature of orbiting planets. The low integer numbers {5 13} have a Fibonacci mean of 8, so that the Venus orbit of 8/13 years leads to its synod of 8/5 years. But also, in the last 200,000 years, musical harmony was introduced between the lunar year and outer planets, Jupiter and Saturn, thus asserting a domain of musical harmony between those planets and the lunar calendar. This emphasizes the significance of (a) Venus; in creating forms of life dominated by Fibonacci proportions, but also of (b) our large moon; for our species homo sapiens sapiens only emerged as the outer planets harmonized with the lunar year.

Once there was intelligent life on the earth, the end of the last ice age allowed a numerical astronomy to see the numerical structure of planetary time because, the will to understand situations characterizes the human essence class as an animal self with a third brain, leading to its own internalized Law of Three. This human potential, to understand the wider significance of situations creates independent sources of Will upon the planet. As stated, the cosmology of Will is uniquely of a cosmos emanating from a single unitary Will which has divided into three forces (world 3), to then manifest as six (3!) permutations (world 6), to arrive at the level of the stars (world 12), which exists as a secondary creation. It is from our sun that life emanates, and through the efficient cause of the other planets that the living essence classes, in preparation for our star’s aim of creating intelligent life with the potential for independent Will, reflect the action of the Will-for-Life that is the Sun. This means the other planets are subordinate to the aim of creating the Earth, and the Life upon it, including an intelligent lifeform that can come to understand Will, and hence become secondary sources of created intelligence within the greater intelligence of the Creation.

[1] Numbers are either prime numbers without factors or else products of more than one prime number.

[2] The Galaxies are amorphous and fluid, being aggregations of stars and what they are made of, gas and dust.

[3] The golden mean of 1.618034 is generated by the √5 which then manifests as a pentacle of Venus-Earth-Sun conjuctions. The systematic system of the Pentad is related to the ipseity of living beings leading to golden mean proportions within living bodies.