“Heath has done a superb job of collating his own work on the subject of megaliths with the objective views of many other researchers in the field. I therefore do not merely recommend reading this book but can state unequivocally it is a must read.” –John Neal, British metrologist and researcher and author of Measuring the Megaliths and The Structure of Metrology
“In Sacred Number and the Lords of Time we have an important explanation of how megalithic science was developed. This book is a long-overdue wakeup call to a modern culture that has abandoned this fully developed and astonishingly rich prehistoric model of the physical world. The truth is now out.” –Robin Heath, coauthor of The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth and author of Sun, Moon and Earth
The work of the late Ernest McClain [1918-2014] was based upon a technique in which ever higher numbers appear to have been studied in antiquity as to the harmonic field of intervals possible within that integer limit. Such a single number reference can be mentioned en passant within texts like The Bible, Homer’s Illiad or the Sumerian story of Gilgamesh and be ignored today as a frivolous use of large numbers, such as great ages of the gods, the number of ships, or tithe goods and so on, when in fact the numbers were referring to a musicological field relevant to the narrative and its elements.
McClain’s work was very briefly introduced in Precessional Time and the Evolution of Consciousness(2011) in its Chapter 3 on the Age of Aries, when such calculational musicology/theology seem to have replaced the megalithic activities in Age of Taurus. After then collaborating with Ernest for a few years, after his death I attempted to make an accessible book on Ernest’ work in my 2018 book Harmonic Origins of the World.
Ernest had a fine sensibility for the Ancient Near East (or A.N.E.), its number science and symbolisms. Through many email exchanges I wanted to be able to generate his tonal diagrams for myself; to both learn more and answer specific questions. I was able to make a web page so that people like myself could more easily enter his world of tonal yantras (that look like mountains) and their corresponding tonal mandalas (the octave circle); without having to learn the method of “limiting the products of powers of three and five and then doubling all numbers to the limiting number”. This Harmonic Explorer app enables ridiculous freedom over the previously required manual calculations, including walking through limiting number space with prime factor buttons, multiplying/dividing by 2, 3, 5, 10 or 12. It can also be very useful for screen grabbing when discussing a given tuning system as in:
A useful set of links to 4 recent posts about the Great Pyramids recording the length of different latitudes in the northern hemisphere. Further commentary will soon be forthcoming to better integrate these posts.
image: By 1200 BC, the end of the Bronze Age, the Egyptian map of the world (above) showed nine bows or latitudes, numbers 4 to 9 including the Nile Delta, Delphi, Southern Britain and Iceland, a map based on an ancient geodetic survey.
This post explores a pyramidion, now lost, which exceeded the apex height of the pyramid, so as to model the different reference latitudes established by geodetic surveys and encoded within their metrology and the Great Pyramid (by 2500 BC). This pyramidion would have sat on the flat top of the pyramid, 480 feet above the base of the pyramid.
In All Done With Mirrors, John Neal described how the full height of the pyramid, reaching to its natural apex, would have been just over 481 feet. Most pyramids probably had a pyramidion since a number have been found elsewhere that repeat aspects of or have a name carved on them, of a specific pyramid. Sitting on their apex, they often repeat the form of the larger pyramid, and are scale models of a specific pyramid. In the case of the Great Pyramid, exactly 441th of its natural apex is missing, and this is likely to be because a pyramidion once stood on the flat top the actual pyramid.
This page will grow as book lists are prepared for the posts. At present a bibliography for ancient metrology is provided.
Ancient Metrology
Berriman, A. E. Historical Metrology. London: J. M. Dent and Sons, 1953.
Heath, Robin, and John Michell. Lost Science of Measuring the Earth: Discovering the Sacred Geometry of the Ancients. Kempton, Ill.: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2006. Reprint edition of The Measure of Albion.
Heath, Richard. Sacred Geometry: Language of the Angels. Vermont: Inner Traditions 2022.
Michell, John. Ancient Metrology. Bristol, England: Pentacle Press, 1981.
Neal, John. All Done with Mirrors. London: Secret Academy, 2000.
—-. Ancient Metrology. Vol. 1, A Numerical Code—Metrological Continuity in Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron Age Europe. Glastonbury, England: Squeeze, 2016 – read 1.6 Pi and the World.
—-. Ancient Metrology. Vol. 2, The Geographic Correlation—Arabian, Egyptian, and Chinese Metrology. Glastonbury, England: Squeeze, 2017.
—-. Ancient Metrology, Vol. 3, The Worldwide Diffusion – Ancient Egyptian, and American Metrology. The Squeeze Press: 2024.
Petri, W. M. Flinders. Inductive Metrology. 1877. Reprint, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Once the actual height (480 feet) and actual southern base length (756 feet) are multiplied, the length of the 11th degree of latitude (Ethiopia) emerges, in English feet, as 362880 feet. However, in the numeracy of the 3rd millennium BC, a regular number would be used. In the last post, it was noted that John Neal’s discovery of such rectangular numbers to define degrees of latitude, multiplied the pyramid’s pointed height (481.09 feet) by the southern base length (756 feet) to achieve the length of the Nile Delta degree of latitude and, repeating Neal’s diagram relating the key latitudinal degrees of the ancient Model as figure 1, the Ethiopian degree is 440/441 of the Nile Delta degree. As shown above, the length of the 756 foot southern base is changed, when re-measured in the latitudinal feet for Ethiopia; it becomes the harmonic limit of 720 feet of 1.05 feet – normally called the root Persian foot.