Goddess of Time in the Sky

Explores the relationship between ancient astronomical practices and megalithic cultures, highlighting how early societies understood time through celestial cycles. It contrasts matrilineal hunter-gatherer societies with later patriarchal agricultural ones, suggesting that megalithic structures reflect deep, sacred knowledge of the cosmos and have influenced subsequent architectural designs across civilizations.

Above: (center) The form of the Minoan “horns of consecration”, on the island of Crete, followed (outside) the form of the manifestations of Venus in her synodic period.

Time appears to march on at what seems a constant rate. In this way time has two opposite directions, the somewhat known past and the largely unknown future. However, events in the sky repeat and so they can be predicted as seasons within a year or lunar phases within a month. Even before modern calendars, stone age humans counted the days in a month to understand recurrence of the menstrual period and know when moonlight would be strong again at night.

Figure 1 (above) L’Abri Blanchard Tally Bone 30,000 BP with (below) Alexander Marshack’s interpretation, showing marks as days shaped to express the moon’s phase, over 59 whole days or two lunar months.

Two months happen to equal 59 whole days: a lunar month is 29.53 days long, just over twenty-nine and a half, which is half of 59. In the artifact shown on the top of figure 1, each day was carved upon a flat bone, each mark appearing varied in shape and depth to show the moon’s changed phase on a given day. The flat bone enabled a cyclic shape to be used, of 59 marks, which “ate its own tail”: showing there were always the same number of days in two “moons”. This sameness emerges from dividing the recurring time of the solar day into the time of the month’s phases over two months, to give the recurring whole number of 59, then forever useful as a knowledge object.

The solar day is clearly the same duration every day and two lunar months clearly repeat twice after 59 days. But our modern life is the extended straight line of day numbers belonging to unequal months of the sun so that the loops that recur are lost in the framework of man-made time. The stone age “lesson from nature” was, that events in the sky largely run according to a definite schedule along cyclic paths, most of these being along the path of the sun, along which the sun, moon, and planets follow their own cyclicities, seen from the earth. This reliable cyclicity shaped our notion of an unchanging realm of Eternity, different to Life upon the Earth as our ever-developing present moments within Existence. In this way, knowledge from the sky came to be considered sacred, and interconnected through numbers when counted as days and months, especially through counting the often identically sized discs of the Sun and Moon and their respective years.

While astronomy started as a stone age hobby it later became a tribal science quite unlike our own astrophysics. Only latterly could farmers support city specialists that would assimilate this prehistoric science, by forming religious sciences and cosmologies in the East, of Egypt, Babylonia, India, China and so on. But millennia later, the 16th century altogether discarded this geocentric view-from-the-Earth and adopted a new heliocentric view of a solar system:  this enabled the planetary orbits of the sun to be clearly seen as mathematical ellipses by Kepler, a system soon seen to be held together by Newton’s newly intuited force called gravity, of the central sun’s large mass.

If counting the moon had synchronised both female fertility and male hunting then this shaped the format we call the hunter-gatherer, who foraged for food before there was farming. Their women formed a naturally less-mobile core for the tribe and its children, the men hunting over extensive ranges. All adults were used to working together for the greater good and, since they were in-common descended from the women, so a matrilineal society was an effective format for problems requiring larger groups.

Stone age art of the goddess seems to have been very varied and geometrical (see Language of the Goddess by Marija Gimbutas). In Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures, myexperience in analysing megalithic sites had caused me to question whether the megalithic monuments were the work of Neolithic or New Stone Age farming revolution moving west from the Middle East where it started. Because the farming revolution was only slowly advancing through central Europe towards the Atlantic coast (see figure 2) it was pretty much avoiding the Mediterranean. For a start, the megalithic revolution was largely taking place within the islands and hinterlands of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Coast of Europe, between 5000BC and 2500BC. It was therefore much more likely to have have been carried out by the late middle stone age (Mesolithic) people, before the farming way-of-life arrived. And the indigenous culture of old Europe was mesolithic, well established and centred around women, foraging, and matrilineage (using your mother’s name) rather than the neolithic norm, led by men, farming and patrilineage (using your father’s name).

Figure 2 The journey of the Neolithic from the Middle East (see colored circles), via central Europe, was in stark contrast to the dating (dark circles) of megalithic sites on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts: And the neolithic were patriarchal farmers using the seasonal year while the late middle stone age were matriarchal foragers, truly interested in the sacred time world of the celestial objects, and hence building and using the megalithic observatories. [Globe by Google Earth, data from Barry Cunliffe and Bettina Schulz Paulsson]. Figure 1.1 in Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures.

The Clash of the Titans

Being indigenous, the matrilineal tribes were far more likely and able to innovate the megalithic astronomy which effectively inherited from the long tradition of day counting seen on the stone age tallies like the Blanchard plaque. But this continuity of interest in the sky conflicts with the today’s model of history and our foundation myth for modern science, as grandchild of ancient Near Eastern civilizations and exact sciences, fuelled by farming on fertile soils using irrigation.

Through comparing day counts, sky time could be given geometrical forms such as the circle, square and rectangle/triangle, these rightfully considered sacred by the coherent megalithic culture on Europe’s shores. The civilization was numerate, intelligent, but not stone age in the vernacular sense, of having no ability to reason. Having an extended family of adults and no urgent need to seasonally grow crops, conserve seeds or tend their animals, nature already provided food through foraging There was a natural collaborative workforce and this perhaps explains the dearth of neolithic settlement noted alongside the earliest megalithic monuments.

Having overcome this misnomer that megaliths were automatically neolithic, a further work is required to see why our own science cannot understand the sky phenomena in the way the stone age must have. We do not today study the synodic periods of the planets because they are seen as a merely incidental composite of the planetary orbits and our solar year. But, and quite unexpectedly, the view from the Earth is supremely important since the structure of time on earth is a phenomenon reflecting the form and structure of the numerical world. This would suggest that the earth was, in some way, influenced by the abstract world of numbers to have formed  this type of time environment. This might also suggest that the evolution of Life was an intended outcome for the third planet.

Having discarded the earth-centred model of the universe and having rid ourselves of the religions and gods proposed to explain this phenomenon, modern humans are free to live in an accidental universe where one is just alive  on an existential line-of-time with no end except for death, and without any appreciation of the deeper structural recurrences, implicate within the sky. Instead there is a hotch potch Roman calendar whose roots were literally man-made.

Figure 3 Fibonacci Golden Mean. 1.618 is found in the Fibonacci approximation of 8/5 = 1.6 of the practical year of 365 days to the Venus Synod 584 days. Venus was seen as the youthful goddess, Earth as the mother of all that lives and the Moon as the wise older goddess, these together forming the ancient Triple Goddess. [photo by C. Messier for Wikipedia] see section Statues representing Knowledge in Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures, pages 106 to 111.

The Greek myths referred to women, but in ways designed to put matrilineage norms in a bad light. The patriarchal farmers of Jupiter-Zeus had defeated the religion of the Goddess, whose representatives had snakes (perhaps the dreadlocks of the Medusa or knowledge of the snake shaped ecliptic, see figure 3) or had kept men sexually enslaved on an island (as in the Odyssey) or sacrificed a sacred king after “a year …” (of 364 days) “… and a day” (making 365 in all). Our 7-day week derived from this Saturnian year of 364 days (52 weeks), named because the synod of Saturn is exactly 378 days (54 weeks) while the synod of Jupiter is 57 weeks. In this one is seeing through a series of invisible filters, that the ancient Greeks were against the tribal age that had preceded farming and cities, when women rather than men were most important to that way-of-life. And the western Enlightenment adopted the heliocentric planets as a binary removing the foundations of a vast past cultural corpus of religious and pre-scientific thought that had quite reasonably shown something special about the world that modern science would never choose to see. If we can fathom megalithic astronomy, its uniquely powerful discoveries will reveal what the religious texts were about: that the environment of the earth is no accident within in the universe, but that it is that of a planet for the evolution of Life.

Megalithic discoveries had been transmitted, only subconsciously, into the cultural subconscious of the later civilizations, and it was and is still informing and infecting our arts and the classical form of numeracy called mathematics. This diffusion had benefited from the clash of the Titans, namely between the matriarchal and patriarchal ways-of-life in the Eastern Mediterranean and Levant. It would be recorded in the intellectual life of the Greeks and Hebrews, thus informing Islamic then Christian world view, as a code of numbers and stories often agreeing with those of the East.

Continuity in Sacred Building

If you know how to look, one finds the units of measure and geometries of the megalithic repeated in later sacred buildings, built under disparate religions as if the design of sacred buildings had some sort of megalithic origin. The Chinese, Indian, Buddhist, Minoan, Classical Greek, Romanesque, Islamic, South Asian, Amerindian, Gothic, Sufi, and Renaissance buildings draw upon common geometric and metrological blueprints relating, for example, to the relative size of the Earth and  Moon, and the sophisticated celestial time cycles such as the eclipse phenomena, as if to celebrate the cosmic environment even though many religions had conceptualized the heavens as if not found in the sky.

For this reason, my books can explore buildings of the historical period in the same way as megalithic buildings, to demonstrate this continuity of an invisible language, as if there were people with megalithic knowledge behind the construction of buildings without the outer religion officially acknowledging this fact. And in some strange way, I and others are recapitulating ancient works as to their meaning, by employing skills belonging to the past. For example,

  • In Cappadocia, Turkey, stone cut churches inexplicably contain high levels of meaning in their dimensions and definition of circular apse and rectangular naos occupied by hermit monks.
  • Angkor Wat is shown to be a massive statement of astronomical cyclicities alongside an outer meaning of Vedic mythological carving and Indian temple design.
  • St Peter’s Basilica was a renaissance rebuilding involving many great architects, including Michaelangelo who displayed sacred geometrical skill in translating a Greek square-cross basilica design into a Latin cross cathedral design, through the golden mean relationship of a square to such a rectangle (see figure 4). St Peter’s tomb is then in the centre of a model of the Earth and Moon.

Figure 4: St Peter’s Basilica: Sacred buildings followed geometrical and numerical rules that reflect both the cycles of the sky and the geometrical methods and numerical results of the megalithic. [plan courtesy The New York Metropolitan Museum]

Chapter 11 demonstrates that the equal perimeter model of the earth and moon had been related to the now-abandoned geocentric model. The Earth is at the centre (of course) and a system of growing square areas, for each planet’s synod, grows to embrace the whole figure to show it was the archetypal form taken as the norm for Buddhist Mandalas. And mandalas have recently been used by Jungian therapists and others to enable interaction with the subconscious mind. This suggests that our very being, as micro-cosmos, is part of the Earth and its planetary Sky environment of time. Celestial time appears to be a carrier wave for reality and not just a straight line.

Figure 4 The geometry of Equal Perimeter circle and square, with moon circles, showing the influence of the time world of the earth and moon, as the true basis for far-eastern designs called mandalas.
[photo: Cesar Ojeda 17th century Tibetan -Five Deity Mandala from Sacred Number: Language of the Angels. Fig 7.20]


Cunliffe, Barry. Europe Between the Oceans: 9000 BC to AD 1000. Yale 2008.

Gimbutas,Marija. The Language of the Goddess. Thames & Hudson 1989.

Heath, Richard.

______Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures. Inner Traditions 2024.

______Sacred Geometry: Language of the Angels. Inner Traditions 2021.

______Tragic Loss of the Geocentric Arts and Sciences: When Poetry was the Language of Cosmology, NewDawnMagazine.com #185***

Marshack, Alexander. The Roots of Civilization: The Cognitive Beginnings of Man’s first Art, Symbol and Notation. Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1972.

Paulsson, Bettina Schulz. Time and Stone. The Emergence and Development of Megaliths and Megalithic Societies in Europe. Archaeopress 2017.

Is Sacred Geometry A Message From God?

Just after Summer Solstice, Michael Quu and I recorded a conversation for his “Learn Something New” podcast and this is available, as below.

The conversation was balanced between ancient and modern, numbers and metaphysics in a way that seems necessary to make sacred geometry more relevant to the modern situation while revealing what the ancients discovered in the world of astronomical time.

Interview with Jim Harold

This is one hour interview around my new book on Ancient Goddess Cultures use of sacred geometry and other skills the ancients had, which our present culture dutifully ignore. below: Interviewer Jim Harold at Stonehenge vis Facebook.

Please click on this link to listen to our interview: https://content.blubrry.com/paranormalplus/Sacred_Geometry_in_Ancient_Goddess_Cultures-Ancient_Mysteries_On_The_Air_109.mp3

Counting the Moon: 32 in 945 days

One could ask “if I make a times table of 29.53059 days, what numbers of lunar months give a nearly whole number of days?”. In practice, the near anniversary of 37 lunar months and three solar years contains the number 32 which gives 945 days on a metrological photo study I made of Le Manio’s southern curb (kerb in UK) stones, where 32 lunar months in day-inches could be seen to be 944.97888 inches from the center of the sun gate. This finding would have allowed the lunar month to be approximated to high accuracy in the megalithic of 4000 BC as being 945/32 = 29.53125 days.

Silhouette of day-inch photo survey after 2010 Spring Equinox Quantification of the Quadrilateral.

One can see above that the stone numbered 32 from the Sun Gate is exactly 32/36 of the three lunar years of day-inch counting found indexed in the southern curb to the east (point X). The flat top of stone 36 hosts the end of 36 lunar months (point Q) while the end of stone 37 locates the end of three solar years (point Q’). If that point is the end of a rope fixed at point P, then arcing that point Q’ to the north will strike the dressed edge of point R, thus forming Robin Heath’s proposed Lunation Triangle within the quadrilateral as,

points P – Q – R !

In this way, the numerical signage of the Southern Curb matches the use of day-inch counting over three years while providing the geometrical form of the lunation triangle which is itself half of the simpler geometry of a 4 by 1 rectangle.

The key additional result shows that 32 lunar months were found to be, by the builders (and then myself), equal to 945 days (try searching this site for 945 and 32 to find more about this key discovery). Many important numerical results flow from this.

Counting the Moon: Two equals 59 days

Above: Title Slide of my 2015 Lecture

Counting the lunar month has a deep history, reaching right into prehistory. Firstly, how does one find a phenomenon that gives a whole number of days. Its actual length is now known to be 29.53059 days, and to give a whole number just two lunar months gives 59 days, leaving just 1.8 days too little. But never mind, for the stone age this looks promising but how can one observe the moon at a fixed point and which phase is best to count.

Within a day, before or after the full moon, the Moon looks pretty full, changing little and offering no decisive moment between to count between two full moons. For this reason, a few prehistoric bones give clues to their method which involved counting days with some mark representing the Moon’s phase. This led to the sickle/cresent marks to left “(” or right “)” and between these a round mark “O” and dashes of dark or invisible moon “-“. These are what Alexander Marshack saw in the Albard Plaque, carved on a flat bone from a midden:

Figure 1 (left) Alexander Marshack investigating marked bones in Europe and a crucial interpretation of a 30,000 year old bone as a double lunar month of counting. From my 2015 lecture in Glastonbury about my work prior to Sacred Number and the Lords of Time in 2014.

Marshack demonstrated plausible evidence that consecutive day marks were used in the stone age, stylised to indicate lunar phase within a pattern recognizing that two lunar months formed a recurrent structure in time in a whole number of days, namely 58 days. The utility of the calendric device was that the cycle could be visualized as a whole, making the plaque an icon of both knowledge and meaning. This could be shared but also gave the possessor of this small bone, a power to predict when hunting is possible in lighter nights the light cycle of the moon. In addition, the moon’s phase locates the location of the sun and how many hours were left before the dawn. The bone was an overview of a daily process during most of which the moon is visible by night and day.

In following posts I look at many other ways to count the month, based on longer counts and also look at where in the lunar phases one can best start and stop counting.

You may like to watch my lecture at Megalithomania
(which starts with an ad you may skip).

Inside Time

There are two things we can count in this world, one is the number of objects on the Earth and the other is the number of time periods between events in the Sky.

photo: The Moon, with Jupiter and Mars, on 11th January 2018. (see end for interpretation)

Objects are counted in an extensive way, from one to an almost infinite number, the count extending with each addition (or multiplication) of a population.

Time periods appear similar but in fact they emanate from measurable recurrences, such as phases of the moon, and these derive from the behaviour of celestial objects as they divide into each other.

For instance, the unit called the day is created by the rotation of the earth relative to the Sun and the lunar month by its orbit around the Earth relative to the Sun, and so on.

Thus, time originally came from the sky. Furthermore, it largely came from the zodiacal band of stars surrounding the Earth within which the planets, Sun and Moon progress eastwards. The Earth’s own orbital motion is superimposed upon those of the other planets and the inner planets (Mercury and Venus) also appear to orbit a Sun that appears to orbit the Earth once a year.

The zodiacal band is naturally divided up into a number of constellations or stars and about three thousand years ago it became popular to follow the Sun throughout the year into 12 constellations whilst the Moon tends to create 27 or 28 stars (nakshatras) where the Moon might sit on a given evening. When the moon is illuminated by the sun, the primordial month has 29 1/2 days and twelve such in less than a year hence perhaps first defining the 12-ness of our months within the year.

Continue reading “Inside Time”